Bio-Energetic Feedback

Bio-Energetic Screening - FOLLOW-UP
60 min / Fee: 2 Credits

Your 60min follow-up session includes a full body bioenergetic scan (from your organs to your emotions), in-depth analysis of the Qest4’s findings, a copy of your individual report, a treatment using an imprinted cold laser device. Personalized electromagnetically charged homeopathic remedy ($10).

Bio-Energetic Screening - INITIAL
90min / Fee: 3 Credits

Your session includes an in-depth consultation to determine your health goals & concerns, a full body bioenergetic scan, in-depth analysis of the Qest4’s findings, a suggested plan of action, a copy of your individual report, a treatment using an imprinted cold laser device. Personalized electromagnetically charged homeopathic remedy ($10).

All initial bioenergetic scan appointments are 90min long. Follow-up scans are generally 60min. It is recommended that individuals book follow-up scans at 4-12 week intervals to track progress after an initial bio-energetic screening scan.

Bio-Energetic Screening - Basic or Food Sensitivity/Nutritional Analysis

30min / Fee: 1 Credit

This session will focus on an analysis of food sensitivities & nutritional deficiencies or a basic scan of what the body is dealing with. (If you are interested in both, please schedule the either the initial or follow up scan.) You will receive an analysis of the scan results, a copy of your report, and a cold laser treatment based on your scan. The Initial Bio-Energetic screening is not necessary for this session.

Your body is a living field of energy, and these energies can be accurately detected, recorded, and treated. We use Qest4 bioenergetic screening system to administer bioenergetic scans.

Bioenergetic screening is the process of delivering bioenergetic frequencies throughout the body in a safe and non-invasive manner, than measuring your body’s individual bioenergetic responses to give us specific information about your health! The frequencies are delivered through two brass cylinders you hold onto your hands.

Bio-energetic scans deliver a wealth of information from the detection of nutrients deficiency, hormonal imbalances, food sensitivities, digestive imbalances and poor microbiome/gut health to pinpointing where your body needs general support or healing (connective tissue, adrenals, liver, digestion, etc.). Bio-energetic scans will also detect information regarding your chakras and mental/emotional patterns.

In addition to the information we obtain from observation, questions, and your medical history, this technology helps us clear through the confusion of complex system patterns to help pinpoint the exact sources of your illness. We are then able to apply that information directly in support of your individual healing energy!