Gong Healing Session

Gong Healing Session

The gong is one of the ultimate tools for healing. The depth and reverberation of sound overpower the limitations held in the ego of the mind. After 90 seconds of gong, the mind has no choice but to adjust to a new & elevated way of perceiving and experiencing life. A Gong Healing Session empower your projections and remove any interference to your spirit's path.

“The most sublime instrument of the Yogi is the Gong. It is a musical instrument, a healing tool for the nervous system, and a cauldron in which you can create alchemical blends of qualities that open and develop the Inner Self. The sound of the gong creates deep relaxation, releases you from the torrent of thoughts, and stimulates the glandular system to a higher level of functioning. Each student of kundalini yoga is encouraged to become familiar with the basic idea, use, and experience of the gong…. The gong is a sacred threshold. It is a portal that links the finite and the infinite experience of the Self….” (The Art of the Gong, p.1)

“The gong is very simple. It is an inter-vibratory system. It is the sound of Creativity itself. The gong is nothing more, nothing less. One who plays the gong plays the universe. The gong is not an ordinary thing to play. Out of it came all music, all sounds, and all words. The sound of the gong is the nucleus of the Word.” (The Art of the Gong, p.1)

Rate: $ per session