Awaken the Inner Power - 3rd Chakra & Core Strength Kundalini Series

Awaken the Inner Power - 3rd Chakra & Core Strength Kundalini Series


Join Seva Simran for a 5-week Kundalini series to "Awaken the Inner Power - 3rd Chakra & Core Strength "

Monday May 27th to Friday June 28th.
This course will take place both in person and online via Zoom

Schedule: Mondays: 6:30pm-8:00pm PST (in person & online) & Fridays: 9:30am-10:30am PST (online only)

Cost: Sliding Scale (Entire Series $100 - $250 suggested / Individual Class $10 - $30 suggested. Find the dicount codes at the bottom.

Replays available for 90 days

Awaken the Inner Power - 3rd Chakra & Core Strength: 5-Week Kundalini Yoga Transformation Series

Embrace your inner fire and build unshakeable strength with this transformative 5-week Kundalini Yoga series!

This series delves into the depths of the 3rd Chakra, Manipura, the center of your physical strength, personal power, willpower and determination. Through a potent blend of physical postures (kriyas), breathwork (pranayama), and meditations, we'll work on strengthening your core, both physically and energetically.

Whether you're new to Kundalini Yoga or a seasoned practitioner, you’re invited to experience the profound benefits of this series:


  • Develop physical core strength and stability

  • Increase stamina and energy levels

  • Clear blocks & move forward with goals

  • Boost confidence and self-esteem

  • Cultivate inner fire and willpower

  • Activate positive mind

  • Experience deeper meditation

What to Expect:

  • Dynamic Kundalini Kriyas: A combination of postures and movements designed to build core strength and stimulate the Manipura chakra.

  • Powerful Breathwork Techniques: Pranayama practices to enhance digestion, awaken your inner fire, and increase energy levels.

  • Guided Meditations: Deepen your connection to your inner power and cultivate a sense of peace and balance.

  • Mantra Chanting: Powerful sounds to amplify your intentions and awaken the energy of the 3rd chakra.

  • Open Discussion and Q&A: We'll create a supportive space for learning and reflection.

Use these discount codes to choose your sliding scale rate:



SLIDINGSCALE100 $100 off

SLIDINGSCALE150 $150 off

Inner Power Kundalini Series

Use these discount codes to choose your sliding scale rate:



SLIDINGSCALE100 $100 off

SLIDINGSCALE150 $150 off